Tag: AI

Ben Goertzel Founder SingularityNet, OpenCog – Benevolent AI And Singularity, Engineering...

Ben Goertzel is a leading world recognised artificial intelligence researcher, thinker, software engineer and serial entrepreneur. Ben is the founder and CEO of SingularityNET,...

The Future Of FinTech: Interview with Sean Kiernan, CEO Of DAG...

Hilton Supra, Vice Chairman of Ztudium and citiesabc is joined by Hirander Misra, Chair & CEO GMEX Group & SECDEX and Sean Kiernan, Chief...

5 Things You Should Know About AI in 2020

Artificial intelligence, or AI as it is commonly known, is a very advanced kind of technology that has been taking the world by storm...

Dinis Guarda Interviews Jorge Sebastiao, Technology Thought Leader And Influencer

Jorge Sebastiao is a technology thought leader, influencer and ICT expert in the area of cyber security with more than 35 years of experience...

Low Code and Artificial Intelligence Working to Create Intelligent Software

There is a new wave of low-code app platforms that are beginning to harness the potentials of artificial intelligence in order to ameliorate efficiency...

Technology And Innovation To Help Stop The Coronavirus Pandemic

There is only so much we can do to stop a virulent pandemic such as the latest Novel coronavirus Covid-19, but thanks to new...

Digital Transformation: How to Be a Business in a Time of...

“When digital transformation is done right, it’s like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but when done wrong, all you have is a really...

How AI is Changing the Field-of-Play for Organizations

Artificial intelligence can be found in many of the devices and software systems we use for our personal lives and professional responsibilities. Whether it’s...

China Economy Is Growing To Become The Next Super Power Due...

China Economy is growing at increased speed. The media speaks about it and tries to find the reasons why. Most say that these are...

The Way Businesses Interact With Their Customers Is About To Change...

In an era where technology is becoming a more significant enabler, new opportunities are being created for all of us to enrich our lives. In...

Smart Cities, 4IR, AI, Blockchain, IoT the Heartbeat of the XXI...

“Men come together in cities in order to live:  they remain together in order to live the good life.” — Aristotle "What is the city but the...

Top Trends in the Mobile App Development Industry

The mobile app industry is inching closer and closer to a massive transition. Something that has the potential to completely reengineer the manner in which...

5G, AI – Huawei and Europe’s Digital Transformation

“Live-streaming a virtual-reality broadcast. Downloading a 90-minute high-definition TV show to your smartphone in less than three seconds. Sending instant updates on road conditions...

The Value of Values: AI’s Potential to Usher in a More...

A new international study commissioned by WP Engine and conducted by researchers at The University of London and Vanson Bourne (November 2019) explored the present and near future of artificial intelligence...

What is The Impact of AI in Extending Lifespan ?

NEW YORK, LONDON, MUNICH, 29 October 2019 - DataArt, the global technology consultancy that designs, develops and supports unique software solutions has today released a...

BOOK 4IR: AI, Blockchain, Fintech, IoT – Reinventing A Nation By...

4th Industrial Revolution - 4IR triggered by all kinds of emerging technologies is promising to disrupt the world as we know it, particularly affecting...

Artificial Intelligence To Drive Digital Transformation Amongst APAC Telcos

Majority of telcos in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region are integrating artificial intelligence (AI) tools and platforms into their existing business processes and vertical specific...

Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain and Policy Making Part 1

Could the application of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) thinking in the area of innovation policy-making be a megatrend for the emerging markets across...

How To Educate In A Time Of Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence,...

In fact, as a human race, if we get education right, then we will win… All of us. According to the UN’s  “The Millennium Development...

How to educate in a time of Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence,...

“Out-educate today, out-compete tomorrow”. Twenty years on and this 2008 pithy slogan, invented by speech-writer Jon Favreau for President Barack Hussein Obama, could still...

AI in Banking. And the Indispensable Data Dialogue

As we step into the era of AI and machine learning, the question for banks really, is this: How ready are we as banks to...

Artificial Intelligence Will Replace Collection Agencies In The Near Future

The collection industry is an 11 billion dollar industry. In 2016, companies sent 392.5 billion dollars to 3rd party collection agencies, and they could...
Fashtech and the fashion tech new emergent industry

Fastech AI Blockchain and the $3 Trillion Fashion Industry Part 1

Fastech AI Blockchain and the $3 Trillion Fashion Industry Part 1 With Hernaldo Turrillo AI and Blockchain are the foundational trust technologies of our time. Blockchain...

Drones and AI

“Artificial Intelligence” (AI) is once again a major buzzword, as people get to grips with voice assistants, self-driving cars and the looming spectre of...