Tag: Venture Capital

Europe’s Top 10 Most Influential Women In VC

Europe’s Top 10 Most Influential Women In VC

Despite progress in promoting gender equality, women are still underrepresented in the tech industry, with only 28% of engineering graduates and less than one-third...
Alvin Foo, DaoVentures, DAO, Defi, NASDEX, Robo-advisors, Robo-traders, VC, Venture Capital, Blockchain, AI

Interview with Alvin Foo – Co-Founder at DAOventures, Emerging Tech &...

Alvin Foo is a business and technology leader, thought leader and influential digital, marketing technology executive and serial entrepreneur. Alvin Foo is the co-founder...

Alternative Funding For Entrepreneurs: Equity Crowdfunding and Blockchain Based ICOs

One of the challenges  new entrepreneurs have to face is raising enough money for their business to be able to get off the ground. That...

Predicting The Success of Startups

When a few decades ago the Digital Revolution became something real and useful to business purposes, a limitless amount of possibilities just showed up...

Business Startup Tools Guide Part 4: Finding Investors

In the previous part of this series, we talked about some of the ways in which you can find funding for your business. Today...

Should Facebook Venture into Venture Capital?

There comes a point in your life when you need to decide what you want to do - what you want to be.  Some...

9 ways to Pitch your idea to a Business Angel or...

Funding is critical for business. Any company whether a Startup, SME or big corporation needs funding for building its business and deliver the best...

Have you got what it takes to be a COOL Company?

The San Diego Venture Group is a non-profit business organization that fosters relationships and ideas to form, fund and build new ventures. SDVG is...
Venture Capital

University-affiliated Technology and Start-up Gap Funding challenge Venture Capital

Is Venture Capital Dead? Venture Capital has always been an arena of investment for dreamers and the gullible. Venture capitalists and entrepreneurs can get caught...

Venture Capitalists Rush to Fund Big Data Startups

IDC predicts that the market for technology for big data capture, storage and management is growing nearly 32 percent per year and could reach...