Tag: pinterest

How to use Pinterest for Social Businesses Part 2

Over the part one of this little guide about Pinterest,  we covered the history of this useful resource that you can use, as a...

How To Use Pinterest For Social Business Part 1

Pinterest is a very popular photo sharing website known by all of us. The site was founded by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan...
Guide to Pinterest for social businesses part 2

Guide to Pinterest For Social Businesses Part 2

Useful tools and tips for social businesses using Pinterest

Guide to Pinterest For Social Business Part 1

Why Social Businesses Should not ignore Pinterest and how to get started

Pinterest: The Driving Force in Social Business

Pinterest: The Driving Force in Business Social media has become a key component in every business and it’s growing at a rapid rate. Pinterest is...

Social Media Use Among Adults On The Rise, Facebook Still Dominant

A survey by the Pew Research Center, released last week, shows that social media usage is rising among adults, and while Facebook is still...

2013 Year in Review: Pinterest Grow 50% and Android Dominate...

If you have ever shared some content from around the web via social channels, chances are you have syndicated content using AddThis. AddThis personalizes the web...

Tailoring Your Marketing to Different Social Media Channels

The confluent forces of social media and mobile devices, combined with technologies such as DVRs and ad-blocking software,  have created a situation where consumers...
Where Should you Post? Social Media Status Infographic by breakingcopy.com

Which Social Media Buttons Should You Use?

When it comes to using social media for business purposes, content is king. Not just any old content, mind you - it needs to...

Pinterest Begins to Use Promoted Pins in Search Results

Pinterest announced on Thursday that they will start promoting specific pins for businesses  in "tasteful ads" that won't contain "flashy banners or pop-up ads"....