Founders of startups need to cultivate a “mindset of steel “and a resilience that would allow the project to survive the first couple of years, which are bound to have its own set of challenges. While the occasional setback or unforeseen circumstance is to be expected, founders of early-stage startups need to learn how to properly manage varying cycles of success. While there are many examples of how not to fail and how to get it right in terms of resources, it is important for those leading the project to maintain a firm grip on company objectives and plan effectively while keeping a pulse on developments within your niche.
If you think about it, the right mindset is usually the underlying message of most motivational teachers and speakers. The right mindset can be the difference between achieving and feeling or what sets real achievers from the rest. Have you ever trained for a marathon? Besides the necessary preparation and training, when it comes to actually compete, you are going to have to mentally prepare yourself for the physical toll on your body and overcome the barrier of distance and in your mind. In other words you will have to focus on both pace and endurance.
Should start-up founders emulate the successful traits of long-distance runners? In a race, most runners would usually have mental dialogue with themselves usually focusing on whether they can maintain the pace that they’ve set. A smart and alert runner can usually adapt and demonstrate a more efficient technique even during a race. To achieve this they need the right mindset. It allows your creative juices to run free. It can definitely change the outcome as well as increasing productivity. When you’re feeling down and tired it can inspire you and keep you motivated. In addition to the right co-founder, it can also be your greatest pillar of support.
Lack of focus, has often been cited as one of those setbacks and challenges for entrepreneurs. The right mindset will bring clarity to your long-term objectives and will reveal the hidden path to achieving this. So, how does one go about creating that cycle of success I mentioned at the beginning of the article? Susan Mazza writes that it is possible to consciously create cycles of success. She says by doing this you can avoid unpleasant collisions with reality. She examined her own success and failures and determined a pattern. With each success milestone she completed a cycle of five practices at least once and aimed it towards her goal.
She warns “On the other hand, with each thing I failed to do or failed in my attempt to do I unwittingly took an “off-ramp” from the Cycle of Success by failing to complete one or more of these practices”. Her cycle of five practices are:
Get Clear: Clarity is power.
Narrow Your Focus: Progress requires a sufficient concentration of effort. When you find you are having trouble making progress no matter how hard you work consider you may need to narrow your focus even more.
Do the Work: Be mindful of confusing activity with actual work. Consider what the most important actions you must take to make progress and invest your energy in doing this.
Pull the Weeds: Our minds are the number one impediment to our success. Don’t believe what you think!
Celebrate and Learn: Being able to see and acknowledge your progress will fuel your motivation to keep going when you need it most.
Finally here are prolificliving’s top 10 killer game changers from the right mindset, I think they are gems if you are swimming in today’s Startup oceans. Start using them!
- I have personal power to create all the conditions necessary for success.
- I am already a success. I am just going to be a bigger success.
- I know my gifts and skills and talents create real impact.
- I believe in what I am doing and in the path I have chosen to take.
- I may not see the direct or immediate impact today but I believe in it.
- I may ruffle a few feathers but if my mission feels right, I will keep doing it.
- I am not here to make everyone happy. I am here to serve those whom I am meant to serve.
- I am not out to make anyone proud anymore. I no longer thrive on or seek this validation. If it happens great. If not, also great.
- I am free of guilt and shame for choosing an unconventional life.
- I will be fully deserving and embracing of massive success ; it will mean huge impact on others and a tiny difference in this world. And I will celebrate it with a full heart.

Hayden Richards is Contributor of IntelligentHQ. He specialises in finance, trading, investment, and technology, with expertise in both buy-side, sell-side. Contributing and advising various global corporations, Hayden is a thought leader, researching on global regulatory subjects, digital, social media strategies and new trends for Businesses, Capital Markets and Financial Services.
Aside from the articles, interviews and content he writes for IntelligentHQ, Hayden is also a content curator for capital markets, analytic platforms and business industry emerging trends. An avid new media explorer Hayden is driven by a passion for business development, innovation, social business, Tech Trading, payments and eCommerce. A native Trinidadian, Hayden is also a veteran, having served with the Royal Air Force Reserves for the past 10 years.
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