If you’re used to working from the office and have recently found yourself in an unusual situation working from home due to the coronavirus outbreak, it’s quite normal to struggle with the transition. For most people, the office is for working and home is for relaxing, so suddenly finding yourself in a situation where your home has to temporarily become your workplace can be difficult to get used to. But the good news is that there are several things that you can do in order to prepare your home for remote working and make transitioning to working from home easier on yourself. Keep these tips in mind.
Have a Dedicated Office Space
If you can, it’s always worth setting up a dedicated office space in your home that you can use for remote working. This could be a spare bedroom if you have one, but if not, your kitchen can always become your office during the day, or your garage if it’s suitable. What you want to avoid is working from your bed or slouching on the couch all day, as this can lead to aches and pains along with making it more difficult to focus on your work. Use your kitchen table or invest in a desk and chair if you can, as this will help you get into ‘work mode’ even when you’re at home.
Dress the Part
You’re probably excited about the prospect of being able to work in your comfortable clothes but the truth is, this might not help you make the transition. While there’s no need to get fully kitted out in your suit or heels and a full face of makeup for working at home – unless you’ve got a video call with an important client coming up – it’s a good idea to make a bit of effort before you get started in the morning. Get a shower, change out of your pajamas into smarter clothes and make a bit of an effort for work; try to stick to your normal routine.
Give Yourself Breaks
When you’re working from home, it can be tempting to just keep working throughout your lunch break – after all, you might already be sitting in your own kitchen. But, don’t avoid giving yourself breaks just because you’re at home rather than in the office. Try and have a lunch break at the time that you’re normally used to taking one; this can be a great time to connect with your co-workers and catch up with each other while you’re all working at home. If you normally socialize with your colleagues during lunch at work, why not arrange virtual lunch breaks together on Zoom?
Look After Your Health
The lockdown is affecting us all in different ways and transitioning to working from home, especially if you’re homeschooling your kids at the same time, can be a huge change and very stressful. So, it’s more important than ever to make sure that you are looking after your health. Make sure that you are getting enough sleep and avoid the temptation to work late at night just because it’s there. If you’re struggling to sleep, a new mattress could help and there are different options available to choose from depending on what type of sleeper you are. It’s important especially if your current one has seen better days and you’ve been sleeping on it for years. Try to stick to your normal sleep-wake routine, get some exercise daily, and fill up with healthy food to keep your immune system strong. Specific nutrients you should be looking out for are iron, vitamin c, vitamin d, and vitamin b12 methyl as these help with keeping your immune system healthy and can help improve your mood. You can also take supplements to boost your health, concentration, and mood, but be sure to do your research properly. Asking questions like “does Alpha Brain work” or reading real customer reviews can help you decide for yourself if it’s worth pursuing.
If you’ve found yourself unexpectedly transitioning to working from home, you’re not alone. Keep these tips in mind and you’ll be a pro at remote working in no time.

Founder Dinis Guarda
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