A Checklist for Launching Content
Written by Maria Fonseca and Paula Newton
Getting your content out there into the world is one thing, but getting it to the point where attention is paid to it is quite another. And the latter is particularly important to make sure that content achieves the desired results. After all, if no one sees the content then there probably wasn’t much point in putting the effort in to write it in the first place. How to write and launch content that achieves results? There are various things one needs to pay attention to. Luckily, writing for Distilled in 2015, Tim Allen created a checklist that may prove very helpful in getting your content noticed. According to Allen, there are four important areas of focus and these are tracking, social, on page and redirect. Other important points to add to your checklist are keywords, call to actions in the website and establishing real connections and dialogues with your community. We have assembled some of these ideas in the following list:
1. Keywords
This is a basic everyone knows already, probably, but make sure your title is relevant to your content and keyword rich. Keywords are essential for SEo, as we all know. If you are able to integrate keywords in your headings and body copy do it, it is very useful. The goal of this is to get your page matched with the appropriate query. Create a vocabulary around keywords and select multiple keywords. You will probably use images, so don’t forget about the keywords keywords into the image file name. Always fill in the alt descriptions of images.
2. Tracking Content
Looking at tracking, one of the steps to take is to make sure that the right tracking is on the page. In some cases this will require making sure that Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager is on the page. It is explained that for Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager for example, running a tag analysis can show whether tracking is working properly or not. In addition to this, a step to be taken is to ensure that sessions to the landing page report correctly to Google Analytics. If tracking is on the page it does not necessarily mean that it is reporting correctly. Checking this can help to avoid errors with analysis. As well as these steps it is explained that enabling remarketing for Google and Facebook is also necessary. Some may not know what this is or may not be doing it right now. However, setting up ready for remarketing in the future is beneficial and can save time. Putting the appropriate tracking on the page to be prepared for this is beneficial in terms of thinking ahead.
3. Improving Social Sharing
Turning to the social element of the content, one of the important steps that must be performed is looking to see that the social icons are displayed on the page. Additionally it is explained that including every single icon may not actually be necessary. If you do not need some icons then removing those ones could be beneficial in terms of reducing clutter on the page. It is argued that in many cases only Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus will be needed, and in which case the other icons can be removed. Another recommended step is validating Twitter Vcards. What Twitter Vcards allow you to do is to make sure that your tweets are distinguishable from the crowd. This helps your tweets to be more visible to potential customers, so it is highly recommended. Having an expert looking at the code can help to establish whether this has been set up properly or not. As well as Twitter Vcards there are also Facebook cards to consider. These allow businesses to benefit from social shares. To get the most from this it is important to make sure that social images display correctly on Facebook. Sharing the URL privately can establish whether this is the case or not. Facebook Debugger can help to identify issues experienced in this area.
4. Redirects of content
Looking at redirects is also important to avoid problems. One of the first questions to ask is to establish that there is definitely only one unique page, otherwise people could end up being redirected to the wrong place. Additionally links need to go to the right canonical version of the URL to avoid losing link equity in internal redirects. Do not send potential customers through a different route as this will not benefit you in the longer run.
5. Checking what is on page
What is on page will also make a difference to the effectiveness of your content. One really basic step is to make sure that the logo is present on the page so that you benefit from the branding opportunity that this provides. The company logo should link either to the home page or another suitable page. People expect to be able to click on the logo and have this happen, and they are confused when it does not. Checking that all of the links on the page function properly is necessary, otherwise you may be sending people to the wrong place, losing the benefits that your content could offer. Finally, making sure that a favicon is set up is also a must.
6. Connect your content with the right people
Nowadays it is so easy to connect with people, either via twitter, or email. To let people know you have written about them is a great way to promote your content. Be sure though that your post is solid, well researched and written. You can also connect with key influencers of your industry, even if you haven’t written about them. These might be interested in sharing your unique content.

Maria Fonseca is the Editor and Infographic Artist for IntelligentHQ. She is also a thought leader writing about social innovation, sharing economy, social business, and the commons. Aside her work for IntelligentHQ, Maria Fonseca is a visual artist and filmmaker that has exhibited widely in international events such as Manifesta 5, Sao Paulo Biennial, Photo Espana, Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Joshibi University and many others. She concluded her PhD on essayistic filmmaking , taken at University of Westminster in London and is preparing her post doc that will explore the links between creativity and the sharing economy.