Top Effective Infertility Treatments That You Might Want To Consider

Infertility is a difficult journey to go through. There are so many options and treatments out there that it can be quite overwhelming to find the right one for you. This blog post will give you some of the most effective fertility treatments that we think you should consider when dealing with infertility issues.

Top Effective Infertility Treatments That You Might Want To Consider


IVF stands for in-vitro fertilization. The first successful birth from IVF was in 1978 and it has been deemed as one of the most effective infertility treatments since then. This treatment involves removing eggs from a woman, placing them with sperms to create embryos that are placed back into the uterus for implantation. In this case, you may want to research IVF coverage from your insurance provider. If so, then working with a fertility specialist can be extremely helpful as they will guide you through the process and help determine if the coverage is something that may benefit your situation.


IUI stands for intrauterine insemination. This treatment is the process of placing sperms inside the uterus to help with implantation and can be done either during ovulation or outside of it. Through IUI and ICI, insemination at home is made possible and relatively straightforward. IUI works well because you will never run out of embryos as they do not need to go through an IVF procedure. With that said, this treatment can be expensive and is usually reserved for those that have a lower chance of getting pregnant through other methods.


IVF involves fertilizing eggs outside of the body, whereas ICSI stands for intracytoplasmic sperm injection. This technique was first used in 1992 and has been proven to be helpful for men who have low sperm counts, poor quality of sperm, or even genetic conditions. In this case, you will need a male fertility specialist that can guide the process and help determine if ICSI is something that may benefit your situation.

  • ICSI+ART  

This treatment is similar to ICSI but in this case, you will also need ART or assisted reproductive technology. However, with or without the addition of ART depending on your situation, ICSI has proven to be quite effective. It is best for men and women with severe infertility issues. However, one potential drawback of this method is it might lead to higher chances of having multiples, and with that, you would need to consider the costs associated with raising more than one child.


GIFT stands for gamete intrafallopian transfer. This process is similar to IVF in that eggs and sperms will be collected, fertilized, and then placed into fallopian tubes for implantation. However, unlike IVF where the embryos are created outside of the body, GIFT places them back into the uterus naturally. GIFT is best for couples who have tubal factor infertility or an issue with their fallopian tubes. It may not be suitable for couples who have blocked fallopian tubes.

Fertility drugs

There is also the option for you to take fertility drugs. In this case, you will need to consult with a specialist and take medications for several weeks to help stimulate ovulation or increase the number of eggs that can be collected during an IVF cycle. This treatment is best when used along with other infertile treatments such as artificial insemination and intrauterine transfer. Just keep in mind that these medications can have side effects so it is important to discuss this option with your doctor.

Endometrial scratch

Another option is called an endometrial scratch. This treatment, which was first used in Japan, involves making a small opening into the uterus before using IUI to place sperm inside and help with implantation. In this case, working with your fertility specialist can be extremely helpful as they will guide you through the process and determine if this method may prove to be beneficial in helping you conceive.

Assisted hatching

Finally, assisted hatching is a really good option for couples who have experienced failed IVF cycles. This treatment involves making small holes in the outer shell of the embryo before placing it back into the uterus to help with implantation and ultimately, conception. This is greatly recommended for couples who have experienced poor embryo quality.

Top Effective Infertility Treatments That You Might Want To Consider

If you are experiencing infertility issues, it is important to speak with your fertility specialist and determine which treatments may be right for you. Keep in mind that the most suitable option will depend on several factors including your age, diagnosis, egg or sperm quality, and more. Many different avenues may help with your fertility journey. The list above is some of the options available for couples who want a baby but have not been able to get pregnant on their own. Which one do you think would work best for your situation? Set up an appointment with specialists so they can talk through what might make sense for you as well as recommend which treatment is right for your needs.