The Top 7 Technologies Your Law Firm Needs

As a law firm, it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest legal technologies. This will help you run your business more smoothly and efficiently. In the world of law, lawyers’ time is money, quite literally.  Find the most success and greatest earning potential

with the help of a few key technologies.  Below are the seven most important legal technologies that you need to know about.

Bill for All of Your Time 

Legal time tracking software is an absolutely vital tool for any law firm. It helps lawyers accurately keep track of the time they spend on each case, ensuring they are properly compensated and that clients are billed accurately. Although all law firms know how important it is to track billable hours, they may not realize that legal time tracking software provides many additional valuable services.    

This software can also be used to help analyze trends in work habits and determine productive hours. For example, lawyers can track their time by client, task, or day to get an accurate view of how much time was spent on each project. Time tracking software also provides useful reports that can be used to optimize workflows and increase efficiency. If your firm prioritizes pro bono hours, be sure to teach your attorneys to log that time as well, to take full credit for the good work you do.

Another significant benefit is that it helps firms stay compliant with industry regulations by automatically recording all client activities, including billing timesheets and invoices. The easiest way for lawyers to get in trouble is to make billing errors.  With legal time tracking software, firms can save both time and money while providing better services to their clients.

Store Your Documents Securely

Did you know that many states now consider it an ethical violation to store client documents in the cloud if that cloud server is not highly secure?  Using a quality cloud computing service is a secure way for law firms to store and access data from anywhere in the world. It also allows attorneys to share information quickly and efficiently, saving time and money while keeping all data secure.  This means you can be more efficient in helping your client, while also keeping their privileged information strictly confidential.

Don’t Miss a Client

A virtual receptionist is not an electronic voice, telling callers which buttons to press.  It’s a real person, answering calls remotely on behalf of your company.  Virtual receptionists for law firms are invaluable assets for lawyers who are looking to streamline their operations. The biggest benefit of having a virtual receptionist is that your clients, and potential clients, will always be greeted by a professional and friendly voice when they call in. Virtual receptionists can handle scheduling, provide legal advice, answer questions, and more. Your firm will never miss a call, or an opportunity to cultivate a new client who has reached out to you.  

Manage Every Case

Case management software helps attorneys keep track of their caseloads by tracking deadlines, managing evidence, and organizing client communications. This software can help firms ensure that cases are handled effectively and efficiently, leading to better outcomes for clients.  An added bonus of this technology is that malpractice insurance carriers associate case management software with fewer claims and may even lower a firm’s premiums if they use one.

Keep Discovery Costs Down

Few things frustrate clients more than paying a ton of money to have staff and attorneys sift through documents that have nothing to do with the case.  The latest eDiscovery solutions allow law firms to quickly find relevant information during the discovery process in order to build a strong case strategy. These solutions use sophisticated algorithms to index and analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, helping firms win cases faster.  Using eDiscovery technology also minimizes intrusion into your clients regular business day and helps keep their sensitive information private.  

Avoid Conflicts

Since lawyers have an ethical obligation to completely ensure that they do not represent any client with whom they have a conflict of interest, keeping track of potential conflicts is fundamental to every firm’s practice.  Client conflict software can be real peace of mind as a tool for law firms. This type of software allows lawyers to quickly and easily determine if a potential client or matter poses a risk of conflict. It can help lawyers avoid taking on any cases that would put them in a compromising position.

Meet Anywhere, Anytime, Privately

In the era of remote work, meetings with colleagues, clients, and courts have taken on a new dimension through virtual meeting technologies. This technology has been a boon for convenience and travel costs.  However, whether a lawyer is meeting in an office or on a computer screen, lawyers always have an obligation to keep clients’ information private.  Choosing a highly secure virtual meeting service allows you to hold online meetings with colleagues and clients in a confidential environment. Getting some Interactive Panels for the office is also a great way to display these digital meetings.