Tag: drones

The Vision of the Future: BVLOS

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) are the new and emerging course of aviation in the 21st century. Initially introduced for the military sector, they are...

Drones and AI

“Artificial Intelligence” (AI) is once again a major buzzword, as people get to grips with voice assistants, self-driving cars and the looming spectre of...

The Notre Dame Disaster Shows That Firefighting Drones Are The Future Of Fire Safety Says Drone Expert Robert Garbett

London: May 2019: “The use of drones by fire services is nothing new, however the tragic incident at Notre Dame highlights the importance of this technology in improving the safety of firefighters, enhancing the...

Getting the Most out of a Drone’s Battery Life

Getting the Most out of a Drone's Battery Life Flying drones is fast becoming one of the most popular hobbies in the world: with the...
Illustration by Maria Fonseca for Intelligenthq

The Days When Flying Cars Will Be The Main Vehicle Of...

Man has always dreamed of being able to fly. That inner human drive made human beings invent and develop air balloons, airplanes and other...