To-the-point without being impersonal. Concise without being too brief. Pushing without being too pushy. These are a few of the balancing acts every salesperson undergoes when crafting an email and while there is no one agreed-upon way to make a successful sales email, there are tips you can follow to achieve better response rates. Here are a few key considerations to keep in mind when putting together a sales email.
A Personal Touch
If you are going to make an effective touch – a point of contact with a prospective customer – it needs to be a personal touch. This action might be as simple as including the recipient’s name in the email subject line, which research shows increases the click-through rate.
Alternatively, it might entail researching the prospect, understanding their title, their current projects, as well as any other information you think might be pertinent. Devoid of any personalization, your email might read as simply an extension (or in some cases restating) of your company’s website copy. With personalization, you can focus on how your product or service uniquely relates to the prospect, how it might solve a particular problem.
Luckily these days, with sales development software, you can automatically personalize an email based on key contact variables within your system, making the process far less time-consuming. You can easily create templates, which will auto-populate and merge contact information, and then easily schedule follow-ups. It’s an exciting way to increase productivity without sacrificing that personal touch, and you can click here to learn more about it.
Crafting a Clear Call to Action
Vague CTAs, like “Tell me what you think,” or “Hope we can speak soon” are a sure-fire way to ensure your email ends up in the trash folder. There is no urgency behind them.
Another mistake a salesperson might make is including too many CTAs. It’s understandable that a salesperson, eager to boost their response rate, might try to offer every possible call to action – you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, right? Well, not necessarily.
There is such a thing as “email fatigue.” A prospect skimming through a sales email overloaded with CTAs, like “check out this video,” “Should we set up a time to chat?” “What did you think about the blog post?”, etc., is going to be justifiably at a loss for what exactly they should do. That is, if their eyes haven’t already glazed over.
Pick a single call-to-action, and make it as strong and concise as you can. Spotlight it with its own paragraph to further draw the prospect’s attention. If you are asking them to check something out, be clear as to where and how they can find the item. Also, if you are trying to set up communication, suggest a time and date.
Tuning in to “WIIFM”
No, it’s not the hottest radio station in town, but it is something that every prospect wants to hear – WIIFM, or “What’s In It For Me?” Too often, salespeople get bogged down in pitching the product, offering recycled information about the value of what they’re selling, without taking the time to understand how it might be of value to the prospect.
If the recipient of your email cannot readily answer the question, “What’s in it for me?” by the time they finish your email, they will feel little impulse to respond. Tune into your recipient’s WIIFM frequency and figure out how you can sell your product or service to their personal needs.
By personalizing your emails, through research and with the help of sales development software, by crafting a powerful call-to-action, and tuning into your recipient’s unique needs, you can easily boost your response rate. Don’t send the same old boring sales email anymore – arrive to work tomorrow morning to find your inbox filled with response emails.
This is an article provided by our partners network. It might not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of our editorial team and management.
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