5 Top Tips on How to Successfully Launch a New App

5 Top Tips on How to Successfully Launch a New App

So, you have got a new app, and it may be near completion or just an idea in the back of your mind. But no matter what stage of development you are at, then a strategy for how the app is promoted is a necessity. It would be a complete waste of your time and efforts to create a fantastic app, and no-one even heard of it.

Use Your Beta Period Wisely

Firstly, we need to ensure the product is as functional and useful as it possibly can be. You only get one shot at first impressions on a large scale, so it is imperative to have all the bugs worked out beforehand. What we do is Beta testing; this involves releasing the app to a select group of users who know it is incomplete, and they get a sneak peek in return for reporting back on any errors. There are sites where you can match your app up to willing beta testers, and this can be useful as they will be fully aware of what a beta is and get you valuable feedback.

Create a Buzz

You need to have people be excited at the prospect of your app arriving. If your app is solving a problem or is in some way new and unique, then this should solve half the battle. You should know what problem it is servicing, for example, if you have an app that helps landscapers survey potential jobs and works out how many materials they would need. Get onto forums and Facebook groups where those people congregate and let them know it’s coming.

Exhibit at Shows if Possible

There’s no substitute in helping get that buzz from talking to people in person and showing them how well it works. This is often forgotten since we are dealing with digital media, but don’t forget that it is real people who will be using the app. An excellent opportunity for this is to buy exhibition space at shows, either at a tech show or one connected to the interest group that will be using the app. You can get a load of branded material made up, such as customized trucker hats, and these freebies will have fans displaying your logo everywhere.

Follow a Business Plan

Launching an app is a business venture, and like every other business, it needs a business plan. This will take account of where the users will come from, how the app will generate revenue, is it paid for by the user or advertising revenue? You should also be adding up the cost of research and development of the app and how many customers will be needed to break even first, and then to make a profit.

Get Media Attention

Getting media attention is vital in launching a new product, and there are many avenues to explore. Try and find radio or TV shows that are doing features on the area your app is involved in and shamelessly try and get a spot on them. Or work on getting included in blog lists of the best apps for a particular purpose, such as this one.