After his first bestseller, The NFT Handbook, Dinis Guarda interviews QuHarrison Terry, author, growth marketer, and future thinker, with his new book, The Metaverse Handbook, to highlight the opportunities in the metaverse, digital identities, and the shifts in the digital world that are going to shape the economies of future in the next few decades.
QuHarrisson Terry featured his latest book, ‘The Metaverse Handbook: Innovating For The Internet’s Next Tectonic Shift’, in the latest episode of Dinis Guarda YouTube Podcast series, powered by,, and The author and digital marketer shared insights and excerpts from the book to present a clear vision of the metaverse roadmap by the year 2032 when he thinks the metaverse will be mainstream.
Early in the interview, QuHarrison introduces the metaverse as a spatial web that has digital domains to create the mixed reality of immersive perspectives. “Just consider it as the evolution of the internet as we are going beyond phones and tablets and into glasses and contact lenses. Things that we would need to transpose information readily in front of us in ways that we just hadn’t thought of. So, there is new spatial awareness that is existing in the metaverse.”, he explained.
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The two experts discussed if the metaverse is what the world experiences in the present form of gaming. QuHarrisson shared his views taking the example of Roblox:
“I don’t think video games are the best version of the metaverse to show people because they are not that different from what existed before. So, what’s awesome about Roblox is we can all go into Roblox, and we can have experiences. It is a little by nature as far as the audience and the demographics, but it is all simultaneous, we are all in the world, and we can change, manipulate, and participate in that experience together. The video games 10-15 years ago could not handle all this, the technology wasn’t there, and even the processing power needed to do that just wasn’t there. So, I look at all that and think that we are all at the precipice.”
Explaining the true nature of his vision of what is the metaverse, he added: “VR is not the final destination. We want to go beyond it, into XR, which is an immersive reality, and where things are going to get way closer to the futuristic idea and domain of a metaverse.”
Metaverse creating virtual economies
Taking deeper turns, the interview steered towards the transitions that will happen along the evolution of various features in the metaverse. The guest presented many examples of the endless possibilities that the metaverse could present for individuals and businesses.
“We have these instances where people are taking physical jobs and tasks, bringing them into the metaverse, creating virtual economies because taking the commodities that would traditionally be only available to physical existence saying they have value, people are confirming they have value by buying these scarce assets, and this creates a hyperloop because it happens so fast where there is value exchanged and people do have these things tied to their identity. The actions that are taking place today will probably only get amplified when the tools and platforms are a little bit more ubiquitous and it is a lot easier to manifest these new identities and exchange these virtual goods.”, he said.
Emphasising the role of community in creating a thriving Web 3.0, both experts agreed that it is imperative to build an actual connection with the audience that forms a layer of trust on which business and commerce can flourish. Taking the context out of the book, QuHarrisson said, “Artefacts build an audience and they keep building trust with that audience. And that audience is still doing great on other drops, and every time I see anything in the artifacts universe it’s just sounding how much momentum they’ve been able to maintain.”
Potentials lying at the bedrock of the metaverse realm
Pointing to the rapidity of technological updates, QuHarrison shared that the headsets and gears available today offering AR and VR experiences for the users are consistently upgraded. “There might actually be something to that because if we continue at this rate of updates, I do think that we are going to have an inflection point where this stuff does become easily used.”, he said.
Elaborating this in the context of creating unimagined potentials, Dinis and QuHarrisson presented many examples where the metaverse is enhancing the immersive experiences to tap unharnessed potentials in every sector, including sports, entertainment, advertising, defence, education, and even healthcare.
When Dinis touched the digital identity part of this realm, QuHarrison said:
“We figured out the identity as far as in Web 2.0, but Web 3.0 has to show us how to make identity just as easy and ubiquitous as the already existing options which already have billions of users in just about all of these platforms.”
Concluding the interview, he added: “I do have faith in decentralised systems but it could take as long as 20 years to shape, because it is one of those things if you do it too fast and mess it up, no one’s ever going to trust it. You will have to onboard and educate and it takes time for people to take it as a common concept.”
4IR: AI Blockchain Fintech IoT Reinventing a Nation by Dinis Guarda and Rais Hussin (
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Hernaldo Turrillo is a writer and author specialised in innovation, AI, DLT, SMEs, trading, investing and new trends in technology and business. He has been working for ztudium group since 2017. He is the editor of,,, and writes regularly for, Hernaldo was born in Spain and finally settled in London, United Kingdom, after a few years of personal growth. Hernaldo finished his Journalism bachelor degree in the University of Seville, Spain, and began working as reporter in the newspaper, Europa Sur, writing about Politics and Society. He also worked as community manager and marketing advisor in Los Barrios, Spain. Innovation, technology, politics and economy are his main interests, with special focus on new trends and ethical projects. He enjoys finding himself getting lost in words, explaining what he understands from the world and helping others. Besides a journalist, he is also a thinker and proactive in digital transformation strategies. Knowledge and ideas have no limits.