Tag: Wellness

Fighting Cancer at the Source: Three Novel Approaches for Treatment

As one of the leading causes of death across the globe, cancer continues to be an ongoing concern for people of all ages and...

Polyclonal Antibodies and Prostate Health

Promising new research has shown that a polyclonal antibody method can be used to detect prostate specific antigens (PSA) with extreme sensitivity. PSA levels...
Embed Wellbeing Into Your Workplace

3 Innovative Ways to Embed Wellbeing Into Your Workplace in 2022

Wellbeing at work means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. There’s a renewed focus on supporting your people’s health...

Seven Vital Tips to Help Improve Your Mental Health

Statistics show that 1 in 5 adults will experience a diagnosable mental illness at any given time. How can you put yourself in a...
Sunny Gurpreet Singh

Explaining Wholistic Wellbeing: Dinis Guarda Interview RoundGlass Founder Sunny Gurpreet Singh

· The founder of RoundGlass, Sunny Gurpreet Singh is a wellness leader whose mission is to inspire people to embrace wholistic wellbeing, creating a...
Mental Health Action Day, MTV, RoundGlass, WholisticWellness, #MentalHealthActionDay

#MentalHealthAction Day: Wholistic Wellbeing Company RoundGlass To Host A Mental Health...

This May 20th is the first-ever #MentalHealthAction Day, and Wholistic Wellbeing company RoundGlass, in partnership with MTV, is hosting a mental health livestream round...