Tag: Tech industry

The Importance of Women in the Tech Industry

Women in the technological sector are highly underrepresented, demonstrating that only 29% of the entire technological workforce comprises women. Men have historically led the...

Diversity In Tech: What Are The Benefits Of Ending The W.E.I.R.D...

The tech industry and diversity have long been antonyms. Yet tech is poised to become the top sector of employment by the end of...

Can You Really Make Money Freelancing In The Tech Sector?

The freelance economy is growing, attracting around 41% of the US workforce in 2020 - representing an increase of 13% since 2013. For independent contractors in...

Buzzvault to Tackle the Gender Gap in the Tech Industry Through...

  Tackling gender diversity head-on, the team at buzzvault, the world’s first digital asset vault built on the blockchain, has launched #buzzingfor50 – a campaign...

Grand Designs: A Look Into the Business Giants of Silicon Valley

With so many Silicon Valley-based companies valued into the billions, the region has become synonymous with success. It draws both plucky entrepreneurs and established...