Tag: Netflix

Top 10 Global Media Companies in the World Shaping the Global Entertainment Landscape

Top 10 Global Media Companies in the World Shaping the Global...

The media industry has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, driven by technological advancements and changing consumer preferences. As the demand for digital...

3 Real Technologies Happening in 2018 Behind Netflix’s The Circle

Technology brings up mixed feelings among people. While most of us rely on them in our daily tasks: the likes of performing well in...

This is How Platforms Use Emerging Techs To Disrupt the Cultural...

  Netflix binge-watching marathons has become a popular plan for a huge percentage of the 130 million people subscribed to the platform worldwide. At the...

Netflix’s approach to a High Performance #Culture

As we prepare for the the holiday period this Christmas, those of us in leadership positions should spend some time reviewing our styles and...

Data Elite launches Silicon Valley’s 1st venture lab for Big Data

Four of Silicon Valley's most influential tech investors recently joined forces to create a fund called Data Elite. Data Elite is an early stage...