Web Hosting, 6 Reasons To Choose A VPS On Farm Of Servers And Shared Storage

Web Hosting, 6 Reasons To Choose A VPS On Farm Of Servers And Shared Storage
Web Hosting, 6 Reasons To Choose A VPS On Farm Of Servers And Shared Storage

In terms of web hosting, the most aggressive offers are multiplying both in price and service levels. A number of them will never keep their promises but some of them will keep their promises. We’re talking about bad and good services and you may need to spend your time to find the best ones. It all depends on your effort and your luck. I, personally, after spending a lot of time with various services, I finally found what I was looking for, the HostiServer. But this post is not about how to find the good services but talking about the 6 reasons why you need a VPS on farm of servers and shared storage.

First of all, it’s not only because these are often misleading but also because the proposed technical solution is simply not able to restore the application service within the announced deadlines.

For a Web site, demanding in terms of availability and performance, high-availability virtualization on server farms and shared storage remains (by far) the safest and most efficient solution, offering true high availability; in particular, it will be much greater than:

– dedicated physical server hosting,
– or virtualization on a single physical server.

Here’s why.

As a reminder, server virtualization is a well-known solution. It consists of adding a “hypervisor” software layer that will make it possible to run several virtual servers (VM or VPS) with their OS and their applications on the same physical server.

1. A physical dedicated server can’t compete in availability

A dedicated server theoretically has the advantage of offering a lot of cheap resources in CPU, RAM or storage, but has a major weakness in terms of availability. In the event of a hardware failure, it is necessary to intervene physically on site and carry out the repair, then to reinstall the whole server, its OS, its tools and the applications, it will take several hours.

Most providers limit their commitment to recovering the physical server, which leaves you with the responsibility of reinstalling all your applications, with the delay and the risks that come with it. And read the terms and conditions, it is more than possible that you find a commitment in “best effort” in case of a piece to change.

2. A physical server is underutilized and less respectful of the environment

The hosts all boast the power and storage capacity of their physical servers. But you should know that these are mostly largely underused, especially by a web service. When a site really needs capacity, because its traffic and therefore the number of simultaneous visits are growing rapidly, it is safer and more efficient to align multiple front-end servers in load balancing. The race for power and storage capacity is meaningless as no web service will consume the announced physical resources and these do not provide a guarantee of availability of the service.

3. The method of saving a VPS is more effective than in physics

A VPS is backed up by a complete image of the VM; The virtual server backup solutions on the market enable a complete restore of the server, OS, tools, applications, and data, in one operation. It’s incomparably faster and more efficient than restoring on a physical server.

This is among the top 5 server advantages of virtualization as it significantly reduces downtime and ensures business continuity in case of a failure. With the ability to quickly restore an entire system, companies can maintain productivity and minimize disruptions to critical operations.

However, if you want to find a good VPS hosting provider, visit this nice site.

4. Virtualization presents a very superior agility

Another advantage of virtualization is the ability to quickly deploy new environments. Physical capacity is available from your host; you can launch a new VPS in seconds, clone one of your existing virtual servers to duplicate a front end or create a test environment, or restore a complete image of your VM in a few clicks. None of this is possible just as easily on a physical server.

5. Virtualization on a single physical server remains dependent on a hardware failure

It is sometimes thought to optimize its costs by remaining on a physical server on which a layer of virtualization will be deployed. This hybrid solution provides a first level of benefits of virtualization: agility, the ability to quickly deploy a new VPS such as HostiServer VPS, the effectiveness of backups and many more.

6. A true high availability configuration

Virtualization helps ensure maximum uptime when deployed on a server farm. The farm of physical servers will allow distributing the load of the VPS on several physical servers, and in particular to put a physical server in maintenance without impact on the availability, or simply to renew the equipment without any break of service.

Hopefully this post can open your eyes to the importance of choosing a VPS on farm of servers and shared storage.

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