The Importance of IT Strategic Planning

Today’s digital landscape is rapidly changing, with new technologies emerging and evolving at a faster rate than ever before. This rapid pace of change means that IT departments must be able to adapt their strategic planning processes quickly and fluidly in order to remain relevant and effective in the company. In order to maintain this agility, IT departments must implement an agile strategic planning process that allows them to constantly update their strategies based on changes in the business environment. The importance of IT strategic planning cannot be overstated — it is the foundation for any successful technology department. A strong plan helps you overcome challenges by identifying potential risks, monitoring your progress against key performance indicators, and aligning your departmental operations with broader objectives outlined by your company’s C-level executives.

IT Strategic Planning

What is Strategic Planning?

Strategic planning is the process of creating a roadmap that outlines your goals, initiatives, and resources for the future. The ultimate goal of this process is to help you achieve your company’s broader business objectives by identifying and prioritizing your most important projects, and then developing strategies to achieve them. While strategic planning can be applied to a range of functions within a business, it’s particularly important for IT departments because technology is a key driver of business performance. It has the ability to transform the way your entire organization operates, yet unless you have a clear vision for how you’ll use technology to impact your business, you’ll be unable to fully harness its potential.

Why is Strategic Planning Important?

Strategic planning is the first step in ensuring that you have a clear roadmap for achieving your department’s objectives, as well as your company’s broader goals. It gives you the opportunity to identify potential threats and obstacles, assess your current state, and then create a plan for overcoming challenges and achieving success. The core objectives of strategic planning are to create relevance, develop a clear vision for your department’s future, and establish a pathway between the two. By doing so, you create a culture of innovation within your team, and become more efficient by aligning your department’s operations with the broader strategic objectives of the company.

Identifying Root Causes of Risk

It’s important to understand the potential risks that you may face as a technology department. By doing so, you can begin to mitigate them by minimizing their likelihood and/or impact. This will help you create a more effective plan to achieve your department’s goals by giving you a better idea of the resources you’ll need to do so. To create an effective plan, you must first identify the causes of risk that could impact your department. These risks could include issues related to operational efficiency, budgeting, staffing, compliance, security, and technology adoption, among others. By taking the time to identify these risks before beginning the strategic planning process, you’ll be in a better position to create a detailed plan that identifies ways of overcoming each risk.

Define and Measure KPIs

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are metrics that measure your progress towards achieving your goals. They are at the center of every strategic plan, and are meant to be reviewed on a regular basis, with progress towards them evaluated in real time. There are several different types of KPIs, including those related to your company’s general operations, and those that are specific to your department. The KPIs for your department should be heavily influenced by your broader strategic objectives, and should help you to ensure that your team is aligned with them. When creating KPIs, it’s important to ensure that they are specific and measurable. For example, a general objective to “increase customer retention” isn’t specific enough to create a KPI. Instead, you’ll want to create a KPI that outlines a specific goal, such as “to increase customer retention by 10% across all product lines.”


The rapid pace of change that we are currently experiencing in the digital landscape means that IT departments must constantly revise and update their strategic planning processes. This will help them to adapt to the ever-evolving business environment, and be better equipped to achieve their goals. By following these key tips for effective strategic planning, you’ll be well equipped to create a roadmap for your department, and see the benefits of doing so in terms of greater operational efficiency, and a higher likelihood of achieving your company’s broader objectives.