Side Hustles You Can Do This Spring

The days are getting longer and the weather is getting slightly better. This can only mean one thing. Spring is on the way, and it can be one of the best periods of the year to take on a side hustle and bring in some extra cash. This money can go toward saving for a great vacation or helping you pay down existing debts like student loans or an online credit line. Regardless of what you’re looking to do with the money you earn from a side hustle, just starting is the most important step to take.


If you have a clean late model car, you can drive for a ride-hailing service like Uber or Lyft. The amount of money you can earn will vary depending upon the day of the week and the time of day you choose to drive. You’ll also have some expenses like increased maintenance and gas costs. However, many people are able to bring in a full-time income from driving other people around.

Do Yard Work

Many people want to spruce up their yards after the spring thaw hits. This could involve mowing their lawns. It might involve planting some flowers or shrubs. You might also have the opportunity to be creative and build out an attractive landscape. The more impressive your work, the more likely you’ll be to get referrals. This could be a lucrative side hustle for evenings or weekends.


Another side hustle option that can pay quite well is freelancing. This term usually refers to completing specialized tasks for others. This could involve writing content for websites that need engaging blog posts. It could also involve writing some code for a company that’s looking to set up an online commerce site or writing a white paper for a business that wants to expand into another area of marketing. Depending upon your skill level and experience, these side hustles can be a great way to make a nice level of money outside of your day job. If you’re really good at what you do, you might even be able to ditch your day job altogether at some point in the future.


Students tend to need more help with their classes toward the end of the semester, and the onset of spring means that about six weeks are left until graduation. Students are frequently willing to pay smart people to help them with math, chemistry or accounting. If you have a good level of knowledge related to an in-demand subject, you can make money helping these budding scholars pass their classes. Tutoring can be a great side hustle that can help you improve your financial situation.

Sell Some Stuff

Warmer weather means that more people will be out and about. Summer can be oppressively hot. Therefore, spring can be the perfect time of year to hold a garage sale. It’s likely that you have stuff in your house that hasn’t been used in years. You can afford to get rid of it, and other people are likely willing to pay you for it. If you don’t want to hold a garage sale, you can also look at listing some items on a site like eBay and tapping an even larger market. You’ll have to pay some fees to the website you choose, but you can likely bring in some extra cash.

These are just a few of the top side hustles you can start this spring. Even $50 or $100 a month can give your budget some breathing room. Side hustle income can come in handy for emergencies. If you still need more money for emergencies that your income won’t cover, an online credit line may help you out. Overall, the extra income from side hustles can help you make some serious progress in achieving your financial goals.


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