A business owner’s role is more than ensuring the business functions correctly. Business owners are responsible for ensuring that each of their employees is working in a safe environment and knowledge of the safety measures.
Non-fatal workplace injuries are common in many offices throughout the UK. A common non-fatal injury could be a fall, slip or a trip. It could be being hit by a falling object or manual handling – such as moving boxes. There were 69,208 company-reported non-fatal workplace injuries to employees across the UK in one year.
Creating a safe working environment should be a top priority for business owners. Aside from keeping their employees safe, it can also reduce the chances of receiving a lawsuit for unsafe working conditions. Receiving one of these can impact the business’s reputation and its finances.
Business owners should consider looking for ways to put safety first in the workplace. These are just a few ways to create a safe working environment.
Prioritise Training For New Employees
Welcoming a new employee to the team is essential. It can help them feel settled within the company and comfortable sharing any concerns or queries they may have. More importantly, it is about training and showing new employees how they can work safely within the office.
The onboarding training should cover all bases, from security measures to help protect the company from online threats. If part of the role involves manual work, show new employees how to safely and adequately complete tasks. It will help reduce the risk of an accident and an employee sustaining an injury.
It may also be worth conducting refresher training sessions for current employees. These sessions can be a chance to re-inform employees of the safety measures to help ensure everyone is working efficiently and safely.
Provide Right Tools
Having the right tools available is a simple and effective way to create a safer working environment. For example, if items are stored highly, invest in a stepladder to help people access the things in places difficult to reach. Using sturdy stepladders instead of climbing onto objects to reach something helps minimise the risk of an employee sustaining an injury.
Those working in a manual jobs should provide employees with safe tools and equipment. The tools and equipment should all be carefully maintained to ensure that they are the best. To further prevent injury, add clear signs near equipment and tools. These can inform employees how to use the equipment and tools to avoid injuries properly. These signs can help raise awareness about the proper handling of equipment and tools.
Maintain A Clean Space
A disorganised workspace can cause unnecessary accidents to happen. Items left on the floor or a spill that has not been cleaned can lead to employees injuring themselves. Ensuring that spills are cleaned almost immediately to avoid slips, cables are hidden to remove a tripping hazard, and boxes are stacked safely to reduce the risk of one falling can help create a safer working environment.
Ask employees to keep their working space clean and tidy. Aside from helping to keep them safe, they will also be creating a safe area for their colleagues. Conduct regular checks around the workplace. Identify any areas that are a potential hazard and what could be a risk if not treated.
Conducting these regular checks can help to reduce the risk of an employee becoming injured. It also helps the business leader to have a clearer understanding of their current working conditions. If there is anything of concern, they can look into it and resolve it as soon as possible.
Keep Open Communication
An essential part of the business is that employees feel comfortable in their working environment. If they have any queries or concerns about workload or the company, they should be able to communicate these concerns with their employers.
Keeping an open dialogue can help to make it easier for employees to discuss any concerns they have regarding their health and safety in the workplace. Employees are more likely to notice a health hazard first. After spotting one, they can inform management about the potential risk so it can be resolved as a matter of urgency. It helps to create a safer working environment for other employees.
Putting Safety First
Creating a safe working environment for employees should be a top priority for a business owner. Implementing as many safety measures as possible can help reduce the risk of an accident occurring. Employees can comfortably complete their tasks without worrying about sustaining an injury. For employers, they can minimise the risk of
Business owners can rest assured knowing that they have cultivated an environment where their employees can thrive whilst staying safe. Having a safe environment is one factor that can contribute to high productivity levels in employees. The higher levels of productivity can help to keep the business in operation. Employees can work safely to ensure that tasks can be completed to the highest quality and standards of the company.

Founder Dinis Guarda
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