What Do Customers See When They Look At Your Business?

What Do Customers See When They Look At Your Business?
What Do Customers See When They Look At Your Business?

Growing a company takes a lot of time and effort. Marketing has to be on point, and employees need to work efficiently and effectively. It’s all about promoting a particular brand, one that will increase lead generation and boost sales. Sometimes, the appearance of the firm doesn’t match the target. Customers can look from afar and think negative thoughts. The result is that they bounce to rivals that offer them the perfect experience. At least, it’s what they perceive to be faultless. To rebrand your image, it’s important to understand why there are bad vibes. Below are four things to remember.

No Logo

Logos are the ultimate image. People see it and they instantly pair it with the company. The Nike swoosh is a famous example, as are McDonald’s Golden Arches. The difference between your business and the latter is size – they’re huge and you’re tiny. It’s easy to let this get in the way of investing in an all-encompassing symbol. You’d feel like a fake because you haven’t earned your stripe yet. As commendable as this attitude is, it’s flawed. Consumers see a logo and instantly make broad generalisations about the size and importance of the business. Not having one has the opposite impact.

Image source wikimedia

Bad PR

Some people say there is no such news as bad news, yet they aren’t right. Publicity is essential; however, it can be terrible for the firm when it’s a negative story. People see the article, post or video and believe everything they see and hear. As a result, they are likely to rebel and go elsewhere for their products and services. Yep, this applies to “loyal” customers too. Focus on the things that you can control such as public safety in the office or keeping promises. VW lied about carbon emissions and are still paying the price. Once the trust is gone, it’s hard to get it back.

Image source Pexels

Messy Service

There are various platforms which exist today. As well as the face-to-face option (shock, horror, it’s still around), there’s a website, email, social media and instant messaging. That’s three examples and they are only the tip of the iceberg. Although all of the former provides excellent opportunities, there is an element of risk. If you don’t come correct, then it will reflect poorly on the business. For instance, a rep who dresses untidily tells clients and customers that the service is messy also. The same goes for a slow site with frustrating load-up speeds.

Small Yet Perfectly Formed

Big isn’t always better. But, when you’re dealing with shoppers, it makes sense to show off a little. People trust reputable brands, and the scale of the operation is a good sign. SMEs don’t have the resources to invest heavily in marketing or rent central digs, so you have to get creative. A P.O Box is a fantastic option. Correspondence says a central location in the heart of the CBD when in fact you operate out of a living room.

Is that sneaky? Sure, but do you care if it improves the company’s image?

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