Protecting Your Business: Smart Steps to Increase Your Safety Hazard Awareness and Reduce Your Risks

Protecting Your Business: Smart Steps to Increase Your Safety Hazard Awareness and Reduce Your Risks

You probably don’t think about all of the things that can go wrong in your business. If you did, you’d never open up the doors. But, the reality is that there are a lot of risks to operating a business, and many of them could put you out of business. Here are a few you need to be aware of.

Water Contamination

According to the Sawaya Law firm, a Denver personal injury lawyer, water contamination is not that common in city water, but it is extremely dangerous when it does happen. And, it could become a major liability for you depending on how you deal with it. If the water isn’t treated properly, it could make people sick or it could kill them. That is why it’s a good idea to contact stormwater prevention plan companies in houston tx, or a similar company in your local area, to help you avoid this disaster.

Even if your business is on municipal water, you should do backflow prevention checks to make sure the water is safe to drink and that it complies with local regulations. Another risk is the heat of your business’ water supply. Each year, many people are victims of burns because they’re exposed to hot water. And, a percentage of these people are injured at a business. If the thermostatic mixer valve is malfunctioning, then your employees or customers could get burned just by washing their hands.

Make Sure The Drainage Is Checked Periodically

Regular maintenance of stormwater drainage systems is essential. These drains are designed to channel water into local waterways. Ensuring that substances like grease, oil, and paint do not enter these systems is crucial, as they are not equipped to handle such materials.

It could impact the waterways and aquatic animals that live there. Even though this is waste water for humans, it is useable water for some animals. If your business is caught polluting the waterways, you could be fined or sued in court. You may even be subject to criminal prosecution. Make sure that only clean rainwater enters nearby waterways and that contaminated water from cleaning and washing is sent straight to the sewer. This way, the local municipality can properly treat it at an approved treatment facility.

Asbestos Risks

You might not think that it’s a big deal, but asbestos is in most buildings built prior to 1980. Government regulations that spell out safety in the workplace usually address the issue of asbestos, placing the responsibility for worker’s safety squarely on the shoulders of the employer. Asbestos can lead to serious health problems, including a rare form of cancer called mesothelioma. This normally only happens when the asbestos is released into the air and it’’s breathed in over a long period of time by employees. Removing asbestos is very expensive, which is why many contractors choose to seal it up and then build over it. Licensed asbestos removal specialists need to be brought in. Insurance companies, and businesses, have had to pay out millions of dollars in asbestos-related claims, which is why this is such a serious issue for most business owners who are operating in an older building. Don’t leave it to chance or pretend it’s not an issue.

Have your building checked and then make a plan to either seal it in or remove it.

Holly Dyer has worked in the role of health and safety coordinator for several years. She has an eye for detail and enjoys the role. She has recently started to share her knowledge with an online audience through article writing.