Latest Trends in App Development Heading Into 2022

The app economy is growing exponentially, with the number of apps downloaded on Android devices increasing by more than 20 percent each year. The trend is not expected to slow down anytime soon, as many trends in app development are pointing towards 2022. There has also been an increase in revenue for apps across all platforms since 2017, with downloads up by 40% and revenues up by 60%. This article discusses the latest trends in app development into 2022.

  1. AI

AI is expected to play a significant role in the future of mobile app development. There has been an increase in AI-driven chatbots, voice assistants, and smart homes that work with apps. Consumers prefer AI-enabled experiences when using apps on their smartphones. More than 70% of people would like better AI integration into apps they use every day.

  1. Chatbots

Chatbots will continue to be popular for consumers looking to receive information without downloading or opening an app. This year there were almost 10 percent more searches related to chatbots than last year, showing the growth potential of chatbots in the next few years. Businesses can also benefit from implementing chatbots into their strategy as it helps them save time and resources as consumers can communicate with them directly through a messaging app. Expertly refined customer experience lies at the heart of every successful app. Chatbots are an integral part of the customer experience strategy that businesses need to engage their customers without any human intervention.

  1. Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is an up-and-coming technology growing exponentially in the past couple of years, and it is expected to become even more popular in 2022. The number of downloads for virtual reality apps increased six times from 2016 to 2017, proving this trend to be on track towards further growth in the next few years. With advancements in VR technology over the next couple of years, wider accessibility to VR products will help this market continue its exponential growth trajectory.

  1. PWA

Progressive Web Apps or PWAs will soon surpass mobile apps regarding usage and performance capabilities. This app can be used on mobile devices, but it does not take up space on your phone as a typical app does. It consists of complex web technologies which let you access information through websites, even if they do not have internet access or GPS services available to them at the time. Many companies believe PWAs will become the next big thing after mobile apps, especially for e-commerce brands looking to provide added value to their consumers while using existing resources instead of developing new ones.

  1. Cross-Platform

Cross-platform apps will continue to rise as it is becoming easier and cheaper for developers to develop one code rather than multiple codes. The trend started with HTML5 being used in mobile app development, but now moving forward, other technologies are emerging that make developing cross-platform apps easier for developers. One example is React Native, which saves time mainly because it allows native modules to be reused across iOS and Android platforms.

  1. Blockchain

The blockchain trend has been gaining momentum since last year, especially after the rise of Bitcoins. This technology works by creating a distributed database where each transaction or data can be tracked without compromising security or control by any single party. There are many ways blockchain technology can be used in app development: for example, financial institutions or banks can use it to secure and speed up transactions.

  1. Visual design and aesthetics

The importance of visual design is not something new, but it’s still an essential part of the mobile app development process. It helps influence how users feel about your brand, so more brands are beginning to hire UX/UI designers to enhance their apps’ user experience by creating visually-engaging interfaces that entice people to use them more often. Also, there has been a considerable shift towards iOS-like designs for Android apps because they let developers create sophisticated designs without spending significantly on additional tools or plugins. Beyond UI design, advancements in 3D models and the layout of games have been prevalent, due to the ease of use of engines such as Unreal or Unity, with unity assets an extremely popular choice for development companies looking to have a game base. From such a base template they can tailor and customise a variety of different things in order to create the desired end product.

  1. Machine Learning

Machine learning is a type of AI that enables apps to learn and adapt independently without being told explicitly what to do. This technology is already playing a huge role in app development, such as ad targeting. As mobile users increase, the demand for mobile apps increases. Machine learning will play a significant role in developing customized solutions for each user while maintaining brand uniqueness and value propositions.

  1. Immersive experiences

Considering that more people are using mobile devices than ever before, it makes sense that more businesses should include immersive features in their mobile apps. With some companies netting more than 70% of traffic from mobile devices, these brands must integrate immersive experiences like AR (augmented reality) or VR (virtual reality) features.

One thing is certain, the future of mobile app development lies in AI, Chatbots, Virtual Reality (VR), Progressive Web Apps (PWA), Cross-Platform Development, Blockchain, and Microservices. So, if you’re an aspiring or current app developer, make sure you keep up with these trends and start learning about them now so that you’re ready for what’s to come.