Instagram For Social Business: 25 Most Popular Hashtags

Getting attention on Instagram and standing out from the crowd can be difficult. Finding the right hashtags that lead to being noticed can often take a lot of trial and error. Some business owners simply do not bother, believing that this is not helpful, but in fact they are wrong. Instagram Growth can lead to dramatic increases in followers and interest. However, there are some hashtags that may be used on Instagram that are more likely to lead to gaining attention than others. Recently Scott Ayres detailed the top 25 of these that you can use, and this may be helpful for small businesses or entrepreneurs. This is important since many businesses are using Instagram to attract the attention of their customers. Ayres found the most popular hashtags by using a tool named Websta.

The number one hashtag is perhaps unsurprisingly #love. In fact, figures show that almost 700 million Instagram posts have this particular hashtag. This is by far the most popular hashtag, as following up in second place with less than half of the number of uses (314 million posts on Instagram) is #instagood. Choosing pictures that at least somewhat reflect the hashtag is necessary, and particularly easy to do with the third most popular hashtag on Instagram which is #me. Taking a picture of yourself and adding the #me hashtag is a particularly common pursuit and this is reflected in the numbers, with more than 297 million posts having this hashtag. Confusing for some may be fourth most popular hashtag, which is #tbt. #tbt is used to put up pictures from the past, and it stands for Throwback Thursday. This particular hashtag boasts in excess of 272 million posts. Number five most popular post may be not particularly surprising for some, as it is #cute. Of course this can be utilised for a range of different types of pictures, and is commonly applied to kittens and babies. It has shown up on more than 258 million Instagram posts.

25 popular instagram hashtags

Rounding out the top 10 of hashtags, in the number six spot is #follow. It has also been seen on more than 258 million posts, and it is quite common to use this one to seek new followers. Similarly used, number seven most popular hashtag on Instagram is #followme. Again, this has been utilised to attract more followers and it is estimated that this has been used 238 million times so far. One to use if you want to attract attention to the best pictures that you have is number eight, which is #photooftheday. This one has been used for an approximate 237 million posts so far. You might alternatively try to gain followers by using the hashtag #happy, which is ninth most popular in the list. If you did you would be in good company, as 220 million posts are estimated to have used this hashtag on Instagram to date. Number ten is #tagforlikes. This one is commonly used for getting more likes for a particular post, and has been used 220 million times thus far.

Eleventh most popular hashtag is #beautiful, which has been used more than 212 million times. Meanwhile, surprisingly, the twelfth most popular hashtag is #girl, used so far more than 202 million times. In position thirteen is #like, used 193 million times, and in position fourteen is #selfie which has been used 185 million times. No prizes for guessing what this one is used for, and it is considered to be particularly good for social media marketing. At fifteen is #picoftheday (used 174 million times so far) and at sixteen is #summer, used 168 million times. Seventeen on the list is #fun, used 163 million times, and #smile is at number eighteen, used 161 million times to date. Rounding out the top twenty are #friends at nineteen, used 160 times and #like4like which is used to get other people to like posts in exchange for likes (used 159 million times so far). Finally, at twenty one, #instadaily has been used 154 million times and at twenty two is #fashion used 146 million times. #igers is at twenty three. For those that do not know, this is short for Instagram Users, and has been used 144 million times. #instalike has been used 135 million times and makes the list at spot number twenty four. Last but not least is #food, used 133 million times so far.