How to Boost Your Chances of Being Hired in Tech

How to Boost Your Chances of Being Hired in Tech
How to Boost Your Chances of Being Hired in Tech

Looking for a job can be a grind, especially if you just graduated and are trying to find a job in a tech-related field. If you are looking for a way to tip the odds in your favor, here’s how you can go about boosting your chances of being hired for a tech position.

1 – Curate your online presence

Businesses around the world are beginning to rely more and more on online tools to select candidates, and it shouldn’t be a surprise that IT companies are at the forefront of that movement.

If you are sending out resumes for tech jobs, make sure your LinkedIn is updated, and keep your social media free of posts that would make you look bad to a potential employer. Try looking up your name to see what comes up.

2 – Be active online

Another way to gain positive attention from potential employers is to be active online. Try to participate regularly in discussions related to your field, be it on social media or on forums. See if you can find conversations that would interest other members in your industry.

Being active in these discussions will show others that you are engaged in the field. And it can help you find out about job offerings before they are made public.

3 – Keep your background clear

Tech companies that deal with sensitive topics will often run background checks on potential employees. It’s best if you can keep your name clean of anything that would look bad during the identity verification process.

If that’s not possible, then you should at least be prepared to explain the black marks on your record when you are asked about them.

4 – Get experience

While you are searching for jobs, it’s important to keep learning and improving yourself. This will not only increase the number of positions you can apply for, but it’ll also help you get in touch with students and instructors who share interests similar to yours.

It’s not all about college classes either. A weekend course on how to optimize a site’s SEO can look great on a resume.

5 – Find opportunities to network

Getting in touch with other members of your industry is a good way to learn about recent news and hear of new opportunities. Networking can also lead to job opportunities, which can help you skip the grind of sending out resumes and showing up for interviews.

Remember that there are many ways to network, both in person and online. Conferences and networking events are great ways to meet other professionals in person, and attending classes can also give you a chance to network.

As far as online networking methods go, social media and forums are still popular alternatives. But there are also paid online conferences and events made specifically to help members of various industries get in touch with each other online.

For all the methods in this guide, it’s important to remember that consistency is key. You may not see results right away, but as long as you are constantly looking for opportunities, the right job offer will appear eventually.