What Is Social Investment: Interview With Jane Newman, International Director of Social Finance

Image by Maria Fonseca
Image by Maria Fonseca

Jane Newman is International Director at Social Finance, “a not for profit organization that partners with the government, the social sector and the financial community to find better ways of tackling social problems in the UK and beyond.”

Social Finance UK started in 2007. Since then, the organisation mobilised more than £75 million of social investment being behind the first Social Impact Bond. It has also developed and implemented a range of programmes that help with addressing difficult social challenges. This has included providing help to prison offenders, those who are not in education or employment or training (NEETs), rough sleepers and those in poverty. The organisation has also provided thousands of microloans in Wales at an affordable rate, and helped 15,000 families to gain access to nursery places and children’s services for free.

The organisation was responsible for helping to get the Social Investment Bank off the ground, as well as pioneering Social Impact Bonds, Development Impact Bonds, Jam Jar Accounts and a fund known as the Care and Wellbeing Fund. The approach taken to enable the organisation to have achieved so much in such a short time has been to carry out detailed analysis to understand problems in depth from both a finance and social perspective.

Jane Newman´s job consists of developing an international network of impact investment intermediaries in order to develop Social Impact Bonds.

Jane Newman
Jane Newman

Before Social Finance, Jane was Director of Governance and Company Secretary at The Social Investment Business, the UK’s largest social investor. Most of Jane Newman’s previous career was dedicated to leading international law firm Simmons & Simmons, where she acquired broad international experience, having held positions as Managing Partner in Germany and as head of its Mainland China office.

In the following interview, Jane Newman tells us about what has been her experience of leading Social Finance and explains what is social investment:

You can check I’M Magazine to watch the rest of Jane Newman interview.