Infographic: Mobile trends in the classroom is on the increase

Industry pundits certainly nailed it on the head, with predicting widespread mobile adoption this year. As mobile devices increasingly become a part of our everyday lives, they are slowly but surely becoming a key part of the educational environment across all levels. Even Apple recognizes this new lucrative opportunity. While some schools will still take the antiquated step to ban cell phones, others are embracing them – as well as other kinds of mobile devices. Banning devices can be viewed as a form of censorship. School IT departments, nevertheless are learning to deal, with the BYOD (Bring your own device) phenomenon. One advantage of BYOD, is that pupils are already familiar with using their own tech, so they can focus on actually learning with them, rather than learning how to use the device. If students cant afford the latest devices, loan schemes can be considered.

Catlin Tucker on her blog, provides 5 useful Tips for Managing Mobile Devices in the Classroom:

  1. Establish New Norms
  2. Treat Devices as Learning Tools
  3. Use a Phone Cubby for Testing
  4. Encourage Sharing
  5. Connect Student with Educational Apps

The Horizon Report is a publication of the trends and technological expectations for higher education. Its 2011 version, stated that digital media literacy continues its rise in importance as a key skill in every discipline and profession. The report highlights the importance digital books:

“Electronic books are moving closer to mainstream adoption for educational institutions, having appeared on the mid-term horizon. Mobiles reappear as well, remaining on the near-term horizon as they become increasingly popular throughout the world as a primary means of accessing Internet resources. Resistance to the use of mobiles in the classroom continues to impede their adoption in many schools, but a growing number of institutions are finding ways to take advantage of a technology that nearly all students, faculty, and staff carry”.

The Infographic below, provides up-to-date statistics on the use of mobile devices in education. Check out how students, teachers, and even parents are going mobile.

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