Special occasions like weddings, birthdays and anniversaries seem incomplete without blossoms. Even a gloomy rainy day can be completely transformed when a bouquet arrives at your doorstep. Flowers have the ability to cheer people up instantly and therefore have been a part of cultures and traditions for centuries.
As COVID-19 hit the world and people found themselves confined to their homes, unable to meet family and friends even on special occasions, the only thing they could do to convey their feelings was by sending flowers. And so, even though it would seem like the prospects are bleak for florists overall, the pandemic is in fact the best time for them to build a flower delivery app and reach customers right at their homes. Big brands like Ferns N Petals are already reaping rewards for their early digital transformation and it’s time small businesses followed suit.
Bear in mind, even without a global pandemic, flower delivery businesses need a mobile app. This is because you have the ability to reach a far wider audience, catch customers whenever special occasions come around and it’s much more cost-effective for your business.
How to build a flower delivery app
Our tool of choice for this process is Builder Studio. This platform by Builder.ai makes software building as easy as ordering pizza. Using Builder Studio, you can now design your idea (no matter how small), and our human-assisted AI will manage the process in a fraction of the cost and time.
First, Builder Studio’s drag-and-drop menu is so easy to use that anyone can build a project even if you know nothing about tech. Their process offers all the immediate, predictable benefits of Software as a Service (SaaS) with the customisation previously possible only from expensive and complex tailor-made software. It is the perfect app builder that lets you build any kind of app!
Then, once you start your build, their human-assisted AI manages a network of tens of thousands of expert software developers across the globe. There is little downtime, reducing costs for you. These specialists deliver your idea efficiently, on time and without the errors normally associated with tailor-made software development.
Next, Builder Cloud brings you multi-cloud access in a single platform, you get fine grain analytics, DevOps automation and commitment-free cost savings. Again, their human-assisted AI works in the background to buy forward capacity from cloud partners including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, DigitalOcean and others to ensure you have capacity—exactly when you need it, and at the best price possible.
Afterwards, Builder Care is a service that proactively updates your app, so you’re never blindsided by 3rd party changes that could easily bring it all down. Even if it means an app needs to be totally rebuilt (something they can do effortlessly as they’re always updating the core features your software was assembled from).
All in all, Builder Studio seems to beat traditional software development agencies, smaller boutiques or even SaaS platforms in the market when it comes to cost, timeline and quality– making it a perfect choice for small businesses to start out. If you have a flower business and want to explore building a flower delivery app, then click here to learn more and get started.
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Founder Dinis Guarda
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