What Are Some Of The Best Bachelor’s Degrees To Do?

What Are Some Of The Best Bachelor’s Degrees To Do?
What Are Some Of The Best Bachelor’s Degrees To Do?


Earning a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree is an important step towards beginning your academic career, as it opens up several employment opportunities. With a BA degree under your belt, you can choose from a wide array of entry-level jobs to begin your career. The subjects that are compulsory as part of obtaining this degree may vary depending on the disciplines taken up by individual students. Students can also choose to pursue an associate’s degree to deepen their understanding of topics that are taught in an undergraduate school. Let us take a look at some of the sought-after bachelor’s degree programs that students can choose to take up after completing an associate of arts degree in Canada.

  • Bachelor of Arts in Business Communication (B.A.) – This is an interdisciplinary program that allows students to develop their knowledge of media, cultural studies and business. They are equipped with both theoretical and practical communication skills that are taught throughout the course. Students receive media training and gain expertise in communication method, which prepares them to land careers in:
  • Professional writing;
  • Journalism;
  • Public relations;
  • Communications;
  • Advertising.

Students will become proficient in demonstrating media research techniques and methodologies and apply them to solve business problems. This degree focuses on teaching students to evaluate and integrate various types of media and communication, in order to communicate persuasively to the targeted audience.

  • Bachelor of Arts in Individualized Studies (B.A.I.S.) – Bachelor of Arts in Individualized Studies degree is designed to allow students to gain proficiency in a number of subject areas and related skills. Students will gain the ability to:
  • Become customer-focused, analytical and independent;
  • Use information resources such as libraries, online research tools and computers;
  • Analyze, synthesize and integrate knowledge, perspectives and techniques;
  • Use basic intellectual and critical thinking skills, specifically to communicate effectively;
  • Understand of the historic and global context of events and achievements over time, particularly taught in subjects like history, the arts and the humanities.
  • BA in Applied Communication and Culture Leadership – This program couples the communication skills and leadership training of a Liberal Arts education to prepare students to obtain employment after their graduation. It is focused on delivering students with the concepts of transferability related to written, oral and visual communication skills as well as critical thinking. While undergoing the liberal arts education course, students will also get the opportunity to gain cultural awareness about the world that is beyond just academics. The career-related mentoring of this course prepares students to establish themselves in the employment sector. Students are provided with work-integrated learning such as internships, cooperatives, workplace-oriented projects and various technical skills.
  • B.A. in Arts Administration – Arts administration program provide graduates with the knowledge and skills required to set up an arts organization and maintain it as a sustainable and viable entity. Through this course, students can obtain an in-depth understanding of arts as well as gain a solid business background. This program comprises of core business modules, related to the areas of humanities such as drama, fine arts, film studies, history and music. Students also get the opportunity to explore various aspects of arts administration for non-profit art organizations and the different forms of interactions with the public and private sectors.

An Associate of Arts program is a perfect way to train yourself for a specific academic or career field that best suits your interest. It prepares students to apply and successfully complete a bachelor’s degree program. So, go ahead and apply to any of the bachelor’s degree course to meet your post-secondary education and career goals.

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