6 Tips on Improving Website Designs for Startups

6 Tips on Improving Website Designs for Startups

There are more than 1.5 billion websites on the internet. So as a business owner, what does this mean for you?

You need to do whatever you can to set yourself apart from the competition.

One great way to succeed in this is by improving the design of your site. But this can be easier said than done.

Keep reading to learn the top tips for improving website designs for startups.

1. Identify Your Purpose

As you’re thinking about improving your website design, start by thinking about the goal of your website. Like anything you do in life, your site should start with the end in mind.

What’s the main goal of your site and what are the secondary purposes? These may include the following:

· Selling products on your website
· Generate leads for your sales team to contact
· Gather email addresses to launch a nurture campaign
· Entertain or provide value

Once you’ve chosen the ultimate goal for your site, you can also think about each individual page. Product pages should educate and sell. Your about us page should inform people about your history and purpose.

Keep in mind that before you start improving your design, you should begin by deciding on your goals.

2. Keep Things Mobile-Friendly

In today’s digital world, people use their phones to access the internet all the time. In fact, mobile internet has grown 504% in daily media consumption since 2011.

In other words, people are going to access your website on all types of devices. And whether they’re using a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, you want users to have a great experience.

But for many business owners, this is a daunting task. Developing your website is a big enough task on its own, and now you have to code your site in all these different sizes?

The good news is that there’s a great way around this.

By using a responsive site builder, your website will automatically resize to fit any screen. And you don’t have to code a unique version for each device.

This is a great idea because if someone gets to your site and finds that it doesn’t work well, they’re going to leave. And this means you’re missing out on additional leads and sales that can improve your bottom line.

3. Choose Your Fonts

Now it’s time to get into the creative part of your website’s design. Let’s start by talking about fonts.

For many people making a website, it can be really tempting to use lots of fonts. There are tons of options out there and sometimes you want to try them all out. But if you use tons of different typefaces on your site, it’s going to look unprofessional.

Also keep in mind that people come to your site to gather information. And if they can’t read your copy, their visit is pointless.

Instead, you choose only two or three fonts that you’ll use throughout your entire site.

For your body copy, pick something simple and readable, usually a serif or sans-serif font. For headlines, it’s ok to choose something a little more elaborate.

4. Don’t Be Afraid of White Space

On your site, you have a lot of important you want to share. You want to educate people about your products, share your story, and provide details about your business.

If you sell physical products, you’ll want to feature lots of high-quality images of these as well.

With so much information to include, it’s tempting to overload your webpages. According to top digital marketing companies, if you do this without a balanced layout, your webpages are going to feel incredibly cluttered.

To overcome this, embrace white space. You don’t need to pack every inch full of information. Instead, give people’s eyes a break with some white space.

It will actually make your content easier to digest, resulting in a better user experience.

5. Think About Navigation

Have you ever gone to a website and gotten lost inside of it? You click through to a certain webpage, and once you’re done you want to click through to somewhere else. But there’s no navigation bar.

You’re stuck. And when this is the case, people exit out of your site.

To combat this, keep your navigation consistent across your site. This way, people know how to get around.

Also, keep your menu simple. Instead of having a super long menu, break things up into categories and subcategories.

For example, if you offer templates to businesses, you could break them into categories like pay stub template and HR template, instead of having a huge list of 20 options.

This will allow you to maintain an appearance of simplicity and usability.

6. Include Reviews and Testimonials

Last but not least, when you’re improving website designs for a startup, be sure to include reviews and testimonials. In marketing, this concept is often called social proof.

And it’s more important than ever in today’s digital world. As people are looking to purchase a product or service, it’s incredibly likely that they’ll do some research to see what people are saying about your brand.

What do customers have to say? What are third party publications writing about your business?

Many startups, though, don’t have many reviews. To overcome this, start asking your satisfied customers to leave their feedback on Google, Facebook, and Yelp.

You can even offer a discount or some swag to create a larger incentive.

Improving Website Designs: It’s Time to Shine

There you have it: the tips you need for improving website designs for startups. Now that you’ve read through all these ideas, it’s time to make an action plan and contact ottawa web design.

Where do you want to start and where do you want to go? Then think about which strategies will make it happen.

Want to learn more? Check out our blog for additional ideas.

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