6 Steps for Mapping Your Email Campaign Workflow

6 Steps for Mapping Your Email Campaign Workflow
6 Steps for Mapping Your Email Campaign Workflow

Once you’ve developed a solid email list and created unique and interesting email content that you want to share, the next step is to create a process in which you can deliver the message to each of your subscribers. With a thorough email campaign workflow, you can effectively send email messages to hundreds, if not thousands of subscribers. This will help increase of leads, conversions, and brand recognition.

With a structured email marketing process, the process is much less hectic, confusing, and time-consuming. Here are the steps you’ll want to take when mapping your email campaign workflow to ensure a successful campaign.

1. Set Goals

Before you can create an email marketing workflow, you’ll want to take the time to figure out what your ultimate goals are. Are you looking to attract new leads? Do you want to build interest in a new product you’re releasing? Looking to convince past customers to make another purchase or leave a testimonial?

Knowing these goals allows you to not only choose the right email marketing services, but your goals will also shape your message and the direction of the overall campaign.

By taking the time to set goals and to think through the purpose of your email campaign, you can ensure that it’s effective and provides a high return on investment.

2. Review Metrics

Any solid marketing campaign is based off of metrics. Look at past email marketing campaigns you’ve run. What content was most popular? When was the best time to send emails? How many recipients took action? Knowing these metrics will help to shape the direction of your email campaign.

Understanding what content gets the most views and how many of the emails you sent are actually opened are key metrics for creating an effective email marketing campaign.

3. Map Out Paths

Depending on your goals, each of them may have a different workflow. It’s likely that your email paths will send subscribers down a different path while others may intersect and have the same end-point. For instance, let’s say you want to target new leads and you want to communicate with past customers who haven’t made a purchase in the last 6 months. Obviously these two messages will be very different and are likely to send users to different locations.
Email Marketing Conversion Flowchart

Consider how you want to convey each message. Maybe you want to send new leads a link to your product page while the second message sends users to a page with discounted prices to entice recipients to make a purchase.

Other common workflow paths to consider include:

  • Cart abandonment
  • New visitor/welcome
  • Purchase
  • VIP customer

By accounting for these workflow paths and others, you can ensure that you have an email campaign ready for every type of client and situation.

4. Check Content

While you’ve already likely spent hours crafting your content, once you’ve got your goals and paths set in stone, you want to ensure that the content you’ve created meets the needs of each goal and path. You’ll want to ensure that content begins with an eye-catching and unique title. People receive dozens of emails a day, so the message you send needs to stand out in the crowd.

The next step is to look over the message content. The information you provide should be relevant and interesting. It needs to be engaging and should include a call to action. Let recipients know what you want them to do.

It’s also important to check the grammar and spelling of the email. It should be short, concise, and shouldn’t include jargon that a layman wouldn’t understand.

5. Test Emails

Just as you test a new website design before showcasing it for the world to see, you’ll want to test and make tweaks to email messages before they are sent off to your recipients. When testing emails:

  • Look at how the emails display
  • Open them in various email clients and browsers
  • Ensure all email elements display

By testing emails beforehand, you can eliminate the risk of sending an email with a misspelling or a functional error. In turn, you can provide the perfect user experience.

6. Continually Track Metrics

Once you’ve mapped your email campaign workflow, you’ll want to maintain metrics so that you can determine the effectiveness of each path. Knowing which paths drove results and which ones didn’t allow you to make changes where needed. Collecting metrics is also important so that you can measure statistics like open rates, read rates, delivery rates, unsubscribe rates, bounce rates, and more.


Mapping your email campaign workflow is important if you’re looking for a good return on investments. Taking the time to map out the workflow process ensures that your next campaign will be a true success.

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