4 Components of a Strong Business Website

One of the greatest tools at your disposal as a small business owner is that of a strong website. Your website is the platform by which you can advertise, sell, and communicate with your customers. However, your website will only work to your greatest advantage if it is strong and functioning properly. For this reason, it would be wise to turn to resources like this wordpress tutorial for beginners when creating your own site to make sure that you get the very best result.

If you are looking to make your website stronger or if you are about to start building one from the ground up, here are four components that every strong business website has.

1. Quality Images

When you are first looking to improve your website or build a completely new one for your business, some things that you will want to make sure you have a fair few of would be some quality images. Your customers are going to hopefully get a lot of information about your business from your website, but internet users tend to have a short attention span. Quality images of your business and products are going to be what draws them in.

As you compile your images, bear in mind that not every photo you have will be a good fit. The pictures and graphics that you use will need to be appropriately sized and be clear and clean. You can always use a resize image tool to make sure that the photos you want to go with are going to fit perfectly on your website.

2. Concise Content

The written content that you use on your website is going to need to meet specific criteria as well. While you want SEO friendly content that helps you appear higher in lists of relevant search engine results, you want to avoid having too much-written content. Your copy should be clear and concise to not lose the attention of your readers. Your most important information should be easy to locate and simple to understand.

3. Good Functionality

Depending on how much you want your website to do for you, there are very likely going to be some features that need to work properly consistently. For instance, if you want your customers to be able to place orders online, then your website needs to be able to do so correctly.

If a page is repeatedly unresponsive or slow to load, then your customers will look for other options and likely end up purchasing from a competitor. Make sure that you run all updates as and when they are issued to avoid functionality errors and check in regularly to ensure that all is working as it should.

4. User Friendliness

On that same note, user-friendliness should also be one of your main priorities for your website. If a website is challenging to navigate or tough to understand, then it won’t be likely to keep a user’s attention. Make sure that your content reflects what your customers want to see, and that information and ordering pages are easy to locate and simple to use. It could be a good idea to look into installing an accessibility plugin wordpress if your website is not as accessible as you would like it to be. You need to factor in how diverse your customers are so that you do not alienate them.

With these tips in mind, you should be able to bolster your website to be a stronger asset for your business! Good luck!